You can call it "WhatsApp for Twitter"!
HashChat is the best Twitter solution for all your events and Twitter interactions. It is a fully featured twitter app with a design and user interface to improve your Twitter experience.
How does it work for you?
HashChat creates a virtual Chatroom and gets together all the tweets, hashtags and followers talking about an Event or Conference. You definitely wouldn’t want to miss all the action on one platform!
What is QuickIntro?
You can quickly introduce yourself to people you meet during Events and get back to them later with HashChat's "QuickIntro" and stay in touch. Technology has made the world small, isn’t it!
What are HashChat #ChatRooms?
Chatroom is a platform showing you the tweets with #Hashtag of an event, conference or a trending topic, all on one screen.
#ChatRooms lists the current existing #rooms being used and where you can join in.
HachChat app gives you the freedom to create your own new #rooms.
How to grow your network with HashChat?
The app lists out all the people in the #rooms.
You can see their profiles, meet, connect and grow your network.
You can know the Attendees and make your social network more powerful.
HachChat is much more than the Twitter functions and customised as per your trending needs.
Se le puede llamar "WhatsApp a Twitter"!
HashChat es la mejor solución Twitter para todos sus eventos e interacciones de Twitter. Se trata de una aplicación de Twitter con todas las funciones con un diseño e interfaz de usuario para mejorar la experiencia de Twitter.
¿Cómo funciona para usted?
HashChat crea una sala de charla virtual y se reúne todos los tweets, hashtags y seguidores hablando de un evento o conferencia. Que definitivamente no querrá perderse toda la acción en una sola plataforma!
¿Cuál es QuickIntro?
Puede introducir rápidamente a sí mismo a la gente a cumplir durante los eventos y volver a ellos más tarde con "QuickIntro" de HashChat y mantenerse en contacto. La tecnología ha hecho que el mundo es pequeño, no lo es!
¿Cuáles son #ChatRooms HashChat?
Sala de chat es una plataforma que le muestra los tweets con # hashtag de un evento, conferencia o un tema de tendencia, todo en una pantalla.
#ChatRooms Enumera los #rooms existentes que se utilizan actualmente y donde se puede participar.
HachChat aplicación te da la libertad para crear sus propias nuevas #rooms.
¿Cómo hacer crecer su red con HashChat?
La aplicación se enumeran todas las personas en los #rooms.
Se puede ver sus perfiles, conocer, conectar y hacer crecer su red.
Puede conocer los asistentes y hacer que su red social más potente.
HachChat es mucho más que las funciones de Twitter y personalizado según sus necesidades de tendencias.
You can call it "WhatsApp for Twitter"!
HashChat is the best Twitter solution for all your events and Twitter interactions. It is a fully featured twitter app with a design and user interface to improve your Twitter experience.
How does it work for you?
HashChat creates a virtual Chatroom and gets together all the tweets, hashtags and followers talking about an Event or Conference. You definitely wouldn’t want to miss all the action on one platform!
What is QuickIntro?
You can quickly introduce yourself to people you meet during Events and get back to them later with HashChat's "QuickIntro" and stay in touch. Technology has made the world small, isn’t it!
What are HashChat #ChatRooms?
Chatroom is a platform showing you the tweets with #Hashtag of an event, conference or a trending topic, all on one screen.
#ChatRooms lists the current existing #rooms being used and where you can join in.
HachChat app gives you the freedom to create your own new #rooms.
How to grow your network with HashChat?
The app lists out all the people in the #rooms.
You can see their profiles, meet, connect and grow your network.
You can know the Attendees and make your social network more powerful.
HachChat is much more than the Twitter functions and customised as per your trending needs.